Thursday, April 7, 2011

Describe Myself On A Paragraph

Thumbnail Size Dogs Dog Heroes Thumbnail

dogs of smaller sizes (from tiny and miniature dogs ) indicating that the standards of the breeds is being practiced in an uncontrolled manner the "inbreeding" ( E ndogamia : is defined as crossing between relatives).

Yorkie 7 cm in height and weighing 470 gr. Engendered among close relatives
This is bringing a great concern among responsible breeders and lovers of each of the races that make up the group of miniature dogs as uncontrolled inbreeding brings great genetic problems, serious illness, premature death and severe disabilities.

dwarfism and genetic defects. His teeth have no space and have a very large
Thumbnail The Dogs are also called "Dogs Toy "or" Company Dogs "races vary between countries that have recognized or not, but most popular are:

Bichon Frisé


Bichon Maltese

Boston Terrier

French Bull Dog

Poodle / Poodle

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Coton de Tuléar
Chihuahua For Corto y Largo By
Miniature Dachshund
Grifone de Bruselas

King Charles Spaniel 

Lhasa Apso 


Perro crestado chino
Pinscher Miniatura
Pug ( Carlino) 
Shih Tzu 

Yorshire Terrier

Boo-Boo long hair Chihuahua 10 cm weight 590 gr
The size of Thumbnail Dog breeds above the common feature is their small size and low weight. While differences by race and weigh up 4 or 5 kg and a minimum 1,500 kg. A minimum height cross 17 cm and 24 cm maximum .

Al Poodle / Poodle they were getting smaller over the years (more than 150 years) through a very neat and scientific plan for care of this beautiful breed.
Many of them are very old and very small originally size as the Maltese or Chihuahua, others are the genetic result of the reduction of the primitive race to race miniature as the Poodle / Poodle.

Ducky, short-haired Chihuahua 12 cm in height and 630 grams of weight. Proceeds from the inbreeding.
But fashion or the desire to own a miniature dog different, more appealing, more original that makes people want a puppy miniature ask him getting smaller.

Boo Boo entered the Guinness book. Do we want a miniature dog friend and companion or a phenomenon for the show?
The responsible breeder explains to those interested in their dogs inconvenience to have a miniature dog smaller than indicated by the official breed standard.

This Chihuahua has a normal size and is lovely, no need to deform to a dog to satisfy arbitrary whims of fashion
The "dog vendor " trying to get through inbreeding and other practices much more reprehensible than this miniature dogs of sizes so small they can easily be called "dogs bonsai.

l E good breeder loves ALL dogs and in particular breeds she raises, her desire is not profit but the passion for the breed you are raising
do so only for profit and never thinking about the health of the dog since for them the dog is considered a commodity and not a living being.
We can play with all kinds of fashion accessories to our miniature dogs, but we can not put your health at risk by wanting a puppy dwarf miniature rather than

miniature dogs are first and foremost our beloved pets, friends and colleagues only unconditional.


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