Saturday, December 5, 2009

How Much Does It Cost For Removal Of Cyst

Today I was looking at photo albums of my family.

was looking for some pictures of my kids to put on my desk.

Today I realized, painfully, that these albums have spaces of time in the life of my daughter, that we have lost all.

In the last photographs, which we treasured, she is 18, 19 years ... no more.

Then ... the void ... a great amount of time that now it hurts ...

" Why not have pictures of her?

I ask and I answer to myself, because then came the endless days of dealing with it, argue with her, without understanding us that she loved another woman, without being able to put aside our prejudices and our fears ... demanding a path that was not hers.

demanded a place in the family photos .... A place that was empty because of our intransigence, by our lack of ability to open our minds and simply understand it, love it, respect it.

The pages in the albums of family photographs and may not ever be filled.

These pages will be empty and painful way.

To make me always remember that I was stupid, that we were fools, her father and I, and I share this pain and experience, that this absurd nonsense is not never taken up by other parents of gay children.

The memory that brings about the photographs is invaluable and is a treasure, pleasant or not, we should not underestimate ever.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Exchanging Canadian Coins In Seasttled Wa

Photo Album Coming out of

"Coming Out" ...

What looked so beautiful and so terrible that it is used, because it means freedom and jail time.

means that people living hidden, and when they decide as they are displayed as they want to be, "come out"

How terrible to be living "stuck in a closet" confined, imprisoned ... see the world only through a slot from entering the air and light ... dreaming of the world "outside" ... seeking live in that world as anyone else ...

And is that each and everyone has the right to live in the outside world, and not locked in a closet!

particularly understand this term because when I was a little girl of ten years and lived in a hotel my parents' house one evening I had to hide in a closet in an old hotel room ... for an older man wanted to rape me ... I hid there and in there I was sweating cold, with a beating heart to millions per hour .... a panic, almost breathless, wanting to scream and yell even knowing nobody would listen ... and while knowing that if he shouted the man would know where I was .... So I stay quiet for the terror until he decided to leave because long after I found out, the hotel porter, fortunately for me, had begun to clean the rooms ...

I imagine ourselves living in that closet ... what ... what madness and terror and fear and humiliation vomit and urine and mourn ... and all at the same time.

I know how terrible it is to be hidden in a closet. ... And because of that, one day I could understand the scale and grandeur those who can say

Finally, I left the closet! ... And everything you say my own daughter who loves another woman.

No greater gift than knowing free, free of fear, prejudice, terror-free ... and me too, beside her, and forever.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Western Club Retirement Cake

Lesson Dunezza Salteaux and British Columbia in Canada

The wisdom of the ancient indigenous Red Indian of North America is a reference point to rescue the ancient values \u200b\u200bthat respected the diversity of gender identity in accordance with human nature values \u200b\u200bthat have preserved to this day against the requirements imposed by various interests in our contemporary history.

In these villages, which fortunately for all the world may have looked in their culture: When a mother gives birth, no one asks if it was boy or girl, what matters is whether they are good. Motherhood makes women are brought together women to raise and care for children helped by men who are more well known to provide livelihood and care for the earth.

Their names often lack gender so that a child may be called Rain or girl may be called Bear and rather stand with an adjective any property received in the creature, and are given names like Anamosa = Fawn White = Wind south Kansas, etc.

Girls and boys also hunt also weave, all children are cared for and loved without imposing a pattern of gender , that violated when they mean something shameful, quite the contrary, if over the years become a creature, child, pubescent, adolescent or adult sexual orientation different states, is vested with respect to treatment in accordance with its guidance.

They are called "Two Spirited" and are considered a special edition from beings, blessed (as) by the operator with a variation between male and female, (they have two spirits). They were not favorable to them, nor discriminated against, just gives them love as others.

However, Indian scientists understand that a (a) "Two Spirited "at some point in their development is to discover himself (a) different from the others, it even can generate confusion or even an emotional condition. Processes necessary to raise self-esteem then mechanisms and individual welfare. In that discovery, the process must not change, nothing external should be of concern, either for , or against, since it is considered a strictly spiritual.

As a result of this forge interior, waiting for a (a) "Two Spirited," a condition of intelligence close the mind of men and women in a single insight, vision full, with a deep understanding that only comes with experience and inner experience of a (a) "Two spirited."

Nobody sees the costumes, and gestures, and appearance they are buying. What is valuable is what they to convey. Thus it gives them importance beyond respect and according to their qualities they are called to lead, to plan, to advise, to be strategists or joy, for his love or his aesthetic perception.

His family lives in is not unlike that of others may also have children and who have not fathered can always deal with care for others and others take care of them.

Many cultures have been overwhelmed in development, these northern tribes were confined to reserves and kidnapped his children to "civilize" in detention centers, where many children were also abused. The civilization began and a sequel that indigenous culture known as his own and is now trying to heal. There are still Indians of North America looking for his family.

But still there is wisdom, there are still remnants of an old social organization of which we should learn.

would make this world a better world.

What Color Is The Remote Wire On Kenwood Radios

Abencio and Alicia, the SI of women

sad story of two women.

Sadness that ended in tragedy. Tragedy that began when Love decided to take a course not true.

Rumbo defined and absurd that somehow was "devoted" to marriage.

The other women here, and many others like it, is forbidden by society.

The sadness then, begins well, with these rules, made for macho societies like ours, homophobic like ours, absurd, as the most.

If Abencio and Alicia had other arenas filled with their voices and their joy, the women themselves have been possible and recognized as true.

Although both may have been avoided, so much anguish, jealousy, fear, feeling both identified by society as butch , weird, twisted ... .. if only they could live as they pleased and as they wanted, without anyone dared to point the finger ... that finger that often stinks.

's yes lesbians ....'s Yes ... homosexuals hopefully any may be possible in our society !

Note: Abencio Meza, Alicia Delgado were two singers vernacular Peru that had a very "controversial", all suspected of having a relationship, but never took. Unfortunately, Alicia Delgado was found dead, the media and public opinion did not hesitate to blame Abencio and despite having no evidence against him, was imprisoned, she took her grief and mourning in prison without being convicted. After many months of trying to prove his guilt, in the absence of evidence, released (strange justice of my country, who hold innocent people in prison to no longer have to prove your guilt ... What happened to that of "innocent until proven guilty"? .. In short, if you are interested in history can find them in google ...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Can I Eat Ice Cream With Mono


(in the manner of Neruda)

Yes, I have lived, I loved, I've learned.

Live, love, learn.

Life has been good to me, gave me a daughter and a Wow, a husband and father (my children) extraordinary. Life has given me excellent opportunities to learn and move forward.

I spent very difficult times in which I was blind, and the world revolved around me like a swirl of darkness.

Hard times for me and my daughter, times when I was a rock, hard, blind, without offending the rocks that are beautiful and impressive, I say to my zero understanding of their sexual orientation , in lesbian love.

times that I can see with the clarity and the same self-criticism of the good and lucid when historians study the past.

times, fortunately, not without effort from all parties are over.

Open your eyes and mind, overcome fear, guilt, assuming the right to be as we want, to love, to be atheist or religious, to respect and fight for our own ideals ... all that requires of us a great effort.

This requires us to attitudes of love, tempered steel, acceptance, understanding and respect.

a human attitude, to say the most beautiful.

We must not lose the opportunity to be happy today, tomorrow we do not know ...!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Two Dog Lemon Brew For Sale

When my son found out his sister a lesbian mother

When my daughter told her brother who is a lesbian, he said: "I knew, do not worry about me, as I love you and love you forever"
us, Dad and Mom, we had not said before. We believe the age difference, (when we found out he was a teenager), and assume that anyone who could tell us was better than herself and who was saying it was her, our lesbian daughter.
My son was wiser than ourselves.
me himself once said that tolerance was not what he felt, he told me, almost verbatim:
"It tolerates what one does not accept or does not support something like physical pain, and I in sister love her and respect her and their private affairs are just her and anyone else ... so I will not tolerate, I want! "
I myself would be very blessed if I had a brother like him, and a sister as my daughter, but I have not, and in some moments of my life I've needed a lot.
This stage of our experience makes me appreciate very much what the brothers mean it is true that not choose (as they do with friends) and we must learn to live with them, to love and defend and respect above all things, when they deserve it.
And how do we learn? ... Well, the answer is simple: what we teach our parents or other older people, and, more importantly, we learn ourselves, by our own will and our own efforts!
I am grateful to life for my two children just as they are. They are the best in the world to us!

We, the four, we are blessed to say: "One for all and all for one."

Friday, July 24, 2009

Buggies Diapers Stain


From Volunteer Pro-Cordillera, we are taking the first steps to form, within the framework of our projects in Rancho Arriba, a Civic Network Organic Consumers. The peasants, united in a Network of Small Organic Producers may sell their products at fair prices, and consumers can protect their health and also buy at fair prices, eliminating middlemen.

In the capital a ripe banana costs 5 pesos and farmers are paid at 20 cents. That's not fair, because despite the difficulties they face, with little or no support, they are the ones that support and nourish us. Large producers usually engaged to play the colonial model, producing for export.

These times of crisis invite to the union, with networks of producers and consumers contribute in building our food sovereignty.

If you are interested in joining the Network contact:

voluntariado.procordillera @, Tel 809.689.7279

Horizontal Clit Piercing


RE-EDUCATION, ECOLOGY AND HEALTH the topic of the next Friday, from 7:30 pm Green in the circle with Dr. Felix Casas.

Day: Friday July 31, 2009.
Time: 7:30 pm
Place: Restaurant RAW, Archbishop Portes No. 152, Zona Colonial.

NOTE: not required to consume. The activity is free.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Congratulations On Sobriety Examples

response to a

few days ago I get an anonymous comment that says

"I am a mother of a girl of 17 years, I am very bad about what is happening to me, sometimes I get it and others do not, I have fear and I have also hope to be here to stay and that is only part of the process in search of identity. I have a depression and constantly blame me, I have fear for my other daughter is 7 years less than he realizes what happens to his sister. by fa need some words that diminish what I feel every day. "

I have no way to answer that through a public post:

Thanks for writing.

I realize and understand his anguish very well feel bad.

I'm not a psychologist or psychiatrist, I am a mother like you and I have gone through what you are going through now. I can only say that at this time is very important that you talk a lot with her daughter, she is 17, is no longer a child, a teenager and discovering their sexuality, which should not be a penalty or a problem much less the cause of her depression.

You are not guilty of anything! Human beings have a right to our sexual development heterosexual or homosexual. The important thing is that you are about your daughter, talk to her, she can be sure that not going to try or take home, sitting together, sure, I can tell you freely that is what is happening and that in any case, whether heterosexual or homosexual, she should know that you are always on lado.Es her daughter and you love her and I'm sure she also ama.Además, surely you have given good education and she knows what their moral values \u200b\u200band limits.

is very important not to leave her alone, perhaps it is only as you say, a process that she is in search of his identidad.De no way it will be a "bad example" for their minor child, and therefore it is important to be able to talk to the daughter of 17 .

You tell me who is afraid, yes, I also had, but was afraid to be judged, marked ... the fear of homophobia .. my daughter would have in life, but once we realized that she is strong, confident and determined, (so we taught her!) and has learned to defend itself and be clear about his homosexuality and living a life of happiness, then, the fear is over.

Once you achieve this communication must decide whether the little girl should know .... or if they expect to grow a little more or if you take a while before telling.

I assure you that they are able to discuss it openly, without moral or religious prejudices of any kind, and without her feel judged or bad daughter ... then things are going to a better and more simple you.

Take it with courage, with that same courage that had since her oldest daughter was born. You are a strong and loving mother, I say this because the mere act of writing about it makes me think about it.

If you are feeling depressed to seek support, maybe a psychologist or family therapist, or someone you trust, but I say that according to my experience, depression only limits us and prevents us from seeing things clear, we see only the dark side and that is not life!

Animo, talk to the heart to the brain, talk to your daughter with all sincerity, calmly, and with all the love you have for it.

Thanks for writing and everything to do well, ever!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ways To Remove Sharpie From A Volleyball


1 .- You will try with all your thinking, with all your heart and with all your patience, understanding little wisdom or ignorance of your parents about homosexuality.

2 .- You shall love your parents, as they love, despite their mistakes and intransigence, because only with the good love can resolve differences.

3 .- Once your parents know your sexual preference, not lie, because only the truth based on the understandings emerge.

4 .- not pretend that you immediately understand, your parents have the right to doubt, fear and concern for you and your future.

5 .- respond honestly to their questions, provided they do not violate your privacy.

6 .- only heterosexual love not pretend to give them peace of mind. It is better for them to know that you are strong, able to defend yourself and defend them on the gossip, the
homophobia and live happily and with dignity, with whom you choose as a partner.

7 .- Do not confuse the legitimate gender option and sexuality with the illegitimate option of debauchery, the first is part of your duty as a human person, the second is the discredit to your own demands.

8 .- not use threats of leaving home because you do not understand, try as far as possible to make them understand that your sexual preference does not make you better or worse person.
But since the event that, despite all your efforts, do not understand, you attack or make your life unbearable, you will choose, if they so choose, to walk away and seek to be happy, always leaving the possibility of rapprochement and forgiveness , without resorting to blackmail or physical or emotional abuse in a reciprocal manner.

9 .- learn along with them, laugh at their jokes, listen to his importunities, and heterosexual jokes because there is no better remedy for all the troubles and sorrows to laugh at them.

10 .- Finally, do all your efforts to be happy because your happiness is the triumph of your parents and your own, on all the prejudices of others.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Savanna Samson Creampie Full Version


1 .- You shall love your children, whatever their sexual orientation, above all things in this world.

2 .- try with all your thinking, with all your heart and with a lot of patience, understanding and accepting their sexual orientation.

3 .- Do not meddle in private affairs, precisely because they are private, and deserve respect.

4 .- Do not judge your daughter or gay son, because you would have them judge you for loving your partner.

5 .- No rummaging through your personal things because they have the right to privacy, as you have.

6 .- Do not abandon it leads to neglect more profound loneliness and depression, and this may lead to your daughter or son to drugs and alcohol to try to drown the pain that will generate the feeling abandoned by their parents.

7 .- learn along with him or her, to laugh at their ocurrrencias, his gay jokes, their icons because there is no better remedy for all the troubles and sorrows to laugh at them.

8 .- will defend your daughter or gay son all the gossip and slander people, as only you know it, because they have the right to good name and good honor as a human being, and why not What better way silence the chatter and gossip that walk with their heads held high and with the truth in front.

9 .- You will not feel guilty about their sexual orientation, because freedom and love can not go against the nature of beings.

10 .- Finally, live happy, enjoy the successes of your children, whether or not heterosexual, and be wise enough to be at your side to help and accompany them to emerge victorious from their failures , and so you will be loved and respected what you have left to live!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bra Size By Compariosn

"Five minutes after my daughter told me she is a lesbian ..." Heterosexual

Only five minutes after my daughter told me that he loved another woman ... if only five minutes after I had stopped in the vortex that formed in my brain and my heart ... if he had taken things more calmly, he would have been able to stare into the eyes of my daughter and then I would realized that: he was still my daughter!

Nothing had changed in it, remained the same as before we say so!
I was the one that was clouded, not knowing what to say or do ... I was upset, she was frightened, and only then could I understand the great courage that she had needed to have to say, your father and me, truth, your truth.

And she, fortunately, able to defend and persist in its truth. No freedom
larger than defend their principles and live according to them, without cheating or lying to anyone!

And I'm proud of my lesbian daughter!
She has itself changed over time, but changed to be better, more comprehensive, wiser and not judge people without having reasonable grounds to do so.
His persistence, his strength, his courage, his integrity as a human being (and this is not worth the categories of gender or homosexuality or bisexuality), I have proved myself, and his father who have taught her well, and this certainty is enough to keep harbor guilt or useless.
No greater joy than to live without guilt and knowing you loved!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Why Was My Period Only A Discharge

Is God? Please

God is heterosexual
know ?.... how ?..... when my daughter told me she was a lesbian, one of the many thoughts of mine was, my God !!... and now? ... what do we do?

In all the years I had, and I suffered, my "Christian education", we never talked about the "Sex and God," "sexual options and God," "homosexual love God, love (only love ) yes, a lot, but with many prejudices and feelings of guilt in abundance.

Despite my agnosticism, I had recorded that Christian thought which says: GOD IS LOVE, and if God is love and love can be heterosexual or homosexual, so why judge?, why deny it, why condemn it?.

If we are Christians, despite the suffering and prejudice of this religion, I mean, if we are Christians and Christians, because, then, homosexuality should not be for us no problem!

real problems and real sins are, for me, for example, drug addiction, alcoholism, bulimia, anorexia, crime, white slavery, pedophilia, lying, biting, gossip and damaging criticism, the tyranny, slavery, drug trafficking, arms trafficking, child prostitution, rape, and is followed by a long list of evils that we are capable of some or many humans.

And in this long list was not my daughter, happily, in any case!, When she told us she was a lesbian.

And yet, I reacted as if my beloved daughter was a "sin errant" ... Of course, I've often wondered why this the way to react to an event as natural and normal?
Well, I've concluded that it was precisely because of all my years of being the Christian religion!

Christianity teaches us and "gives" a heavy very very heavy, burden of sadness, guilt, condemnations of all that the church considers "bad" and escaping to their ideological and economic domains, of course.

I am agnostic, and almost always an atheist, but however much respect for Christian mothers, whose children are gay or heterosexual, and I would remind you that saying that God is Love ... and if you have really in their hearts, and if they believe in him, for their gay children also believe in a God, "because you have been taught to believe, and that God turn for help to find the strength to face the truth, that same God turn to give them strength and courage to tell you they are gay!

And God, through you, must give an answer consistent with his wisdom, and God must open our arms of love, understanding, patience, not prejudice, tolerance, is not it?

Happy are those who have a God to turn to, because apart from God is absolute love, God also understand, forgive, not judge and if it really exists, cares for his daughters and sons are gay, straight, bisexual or fall in love with true love, of an extraterrestrial being, if possible!

Happy are those who believe, because, in truth, live less alone!

From my agnosticism or atheism I am responsible for myself and my conscience. In this talk another day.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dbz Chi Chi Doushinji

parents, not Look through the hole!

There is a misconception that parents, especially Mom "should know everything" that happens to their children.
Perhaps this is true when children are young and we always ask, things such as: How have you been in school, you gave it your exams, you've washed your hands, you changed your underwear, you had a problem, you fell, you did all your homework, and you brush your teeth, etc.etc, etc ....?

But when children grow and when your bedroom is your front lines and belong to their belongings and their affairs ..... why moms should be prying permanent?

And, when my daughter told us she was a lesbian, I thought, wrongly, that somewhere could find the answer to his homosexuality and the place, "so I thought then," place "was also, and exactly Your room, your desk, your home!
That place that provide for quiet living so that he could do all the things I had to do as a college student.

And, despite my curiosity, despite all our discussions at that time, despite my need know everything, I never dared to look through the holes.

I ask them not to because they can find things, letters, objects, or I do that only cause them more questions, more problems, and more misunderstanding.

as heterosexual parents know we have the right to close the door to our room as often as necessary, we know that "place" is sacred and deserves respect.

ever heard something about the angels said to them, the angels, always caring for humans, who are on our side, watching and protecting us, but that when humans have sex, they, "the angels" turn around, give us back and spread their wings to isolate and hide our bed of love, and with his own wings!
If the angels, that somehow they are human, with all its wisdom are so cautious, because us mothers of gay children can not learn a little about them?

I do not know how the priests, with so many secrets and they have very serious others! But, to me, particularly, I like to learn of the details, I like to look through the holes in the doors if they are closed, I like to get without permission, in any inhabited place.

poke, dig, get at things differently, to violate equal intimacy, learn the secrets of others is not good, except that they share them with us.

And our children, heterosexual or homosexual, they know very well what things we count and what not, and they know they are as sensitive and as independent as we have taught ourselves.

addition, and finally, the secrets of people are never in their rooms or in the drawers of your furniture, or in their pockets ... the highest and most serious secrets are always stored in the brain and heart.
When our daughter gave us his "secret" react hastily, not what you do, this maxim Trust must be returned with patience, respect, with confidence because it is a sign of love, is a request of our gay son says:
"take the party in peace" because that I am and so I will be forever and not want to lose the things I love best on earth!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Safari Invitation Language

some texts to parents or relatives of homosexuals

Instructions for downloading the text:

Dar click on the link below (the name of the text to download)

No matter what comes on the screen as the text was wrong (and strange squares) or to put "this protected "... at the bottom of an arrow is green says" download " dale click there and choose to save it ... you go down in pdf, text or compressed file to be read will be PERFECT! ! does not ask or e-mail account or anything.

texts luck and hopefully help you on something!

Texts gay parents or family members
that can be downloaded from the website:

Source: http: / /

Monday, March 23, 2009

Cervix Lowr At 9 Weeks Pregnant

my daughter is a lesbian .. I do now? I have two children

I'ma mother of a daughter and a son, when my daughter was l8 years told us he was in love!
The thing is I was really in love, but of another woman!

The shock came and gave way to fear, guilt and constantly ask ourselves, without pause: What had we done wrong ?...¿ ?...¿ Why this happened to us why she adored our baby, our beautiful Chinese girl, could be in love with another woman?. ..

ignorance really is the mother of many abuses, the ignorance that comes from school, which is validated with the Christian religion, becomes conscious or unconscious acceptance of many prejudices, myths and many conflicts absurd nonsense.

Because of our own ignorance and our fears we live, since then, many days of anguish, grief, and non-stop bickering with our beloved daughter.
Personally, as a mom, a woman, as a professional, was unable and unwilling to open my mind and heart to accept my daughter.
As a mom, a woman, as a professional I wanted to understand, understand, know that was what happened to my daughter.
had the idea that if I opposed it and their ideas homosexuals could make changes. Thought that with help from a psychiatrist or physician may, and chemical analysis and all those things could make her change her sexual orientation and finally decided to be like everyone else, to be "normal."
really was a hard time and many conflicts.
Our relationship is not greatly affected but underwent a period of silence and estrangement with our daughter ... we lived like we have never done nor would we want to do it ... it away from us and we in a painful silence and absurd.
We talked on the phone because she also lives far from us, and really felt we were losing ... so far and yet so close to our hearts and our thoughts every day, every night, every hour ...
Despite all that we do not travel, we came every fortnight or every weekend if possible, because in no way wanted to move away permanently, because for us the family-our family, has always been the most important and most valuable, those ties golden love and compassion, solidarity, security, strength, allowed us to, among other things, for example, in our province to overcome the difficult years of violence together.
Together we survived and wanted to stay together forever.
My daughter was and is in love with a beautiful girl and I recognize fully and because she never encouraged in my daughter, no anger or resentment against us, could have made my daughter and we hated to go away even more of our family but never did, unlike her and her family helped him support and comfort for long hours of sadness we live together and apart.
The love of my daughter, always gave us lessons of honor, loyalty, moral and psychological integrity, through she learned.

For the love of two who was and is strong and constant, one day realized that it was absurd to insist on our position as parents, "sore" from parents who wanted to understand, understand, know ... we just decided that it no longer further study the issue, no longer try to understand the theories and speculations of a thousand thousand different strands, just love and accept our daughter as she is.

my daughter's homosexuality as a reason to fear and anxieties, your love relationship gives happiness and joy and that's what we always wanted for her!

is incredible but our ideas about homosexuality were heavily contaminated, and say it is amazing because both my husband and I are people "educated" professional, intellectual, love poetry, art, beauty of life life ... and when we tested our daughter with this gay, just do not know what to do.
If any great lesson we learned is that we should not make hasty decisions on the affairs of the people we love most in life, in the case of homosexuality, is worth almost nothing, more that general information, studying the theories and currents on the same ... we love our daughter and what we should have from the beginning was OK, and then try to understand as far as possible the issue. Ultimately
out and there existed in the history of art, science, literature, many gay men and women who have been and are exceptional human beings and have left wonderful legacies for mankind, there are Leonardo Da Vinci, Marguerite Yourcenaire, Maria Elena Walsh, Michel Foucault, Oscar Wilde, Virginia Woolf, Marcel Proust, among others.

is not a matter of sexual orientation, or gender, is a matter of human relations, education, honesty, learning to live in peace, with justice, morality, freedom.

Understand that the other is entitled to continue their very nature, to accept that their nature may be homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual, to accept that their dreams are different from ours, accept that we have no right to decide about dreams and love our children makes us free and gave us medals parents also most loved and most respected well.

Volly Ball Spandex Stripping

Like many women in the world, I have two children.
The largest is a sweet woman, wise, caring and cheerful ... almost her laughter always manages to get me out of the scary moments, depression, conflict, is an incredible woman, strong, consistent and in love with another woman, that simple and that complicated and honest with yourself.
managed to get me out of my "mental limits" for a while ... until I decided to learn, study, read, investigate and ultimately understand!
not know the delight that is understood and accepted.
Since then my relationship with her is extremely human and very respectful.
love my older daughter for her courage and bravery of being able to open up your heart and mind and help me understand that beyond what is commonly sees no other options, there other forms of loving, special, moral and exemplary as well.
The story of my second child is a young history of chivalry, curiosity and love ... I leave for the next opportunity because I also full of tenderness and admiration.

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I've fallen many times and I got up too many more, have been painful, sad, depressed ... however, I woke up and I'm reborn and I am proud of it .

The "Pride" is translated for me immeasurable pride in having learned!

After much study, research, analyze ... a day I said to myself: Come on, get up and go, open your eyes and aprende.Aprendí that not all beings in this world think the same way, no love, nor do we see the present and the future in the same way .. .. we are single and in their own right are different ... and yet how alike we all are!

learned that a woman can love another woman and a man can love another man with the same intensity and the same desire that a woman can love a man or a man can love a woman!

Variety, equality and the infinite forms of love is the taste of life!

And the way of life is peace and serenity to accept that there these different and unique ways to love and love! Long live all gays, lesbians, transsexuals, transvestites ... all living human beings capable of love well, with serenity, madness, faith, work with solidarity and above all eager to change this world and make it more human and colors!