Bring a partner to our Dog Thumbnail can be an excellent choice as it can provide a companion for moments of solitude and a companion of games will not get bored.
We, if we make the right choice, we will benefit much as the company, affection and friendship that we miniature dogs provide will be doubly with the new partner of our little puppy miniature.
are three aspects that we consider in finding a partner for our miniature dog : ;
* What race to choose?
* What about sex?
* Adult or puppy?
What race to choose? can choose any race we like or feel empathy for you, provided you have a similar size our Thumbnail Dog original.
This aspect is fundamental we have it in mind.
know that Thumbnail Dogs are very vulnerable because of their size, and if bring a companion much stronger and powerful in a game, without intent to injure can very seriously and any dispute over dominance (that always will be) can be deadly.
If we adopt a puppy from a shelter or abandoned, it must bring after it has received all vaccination plan for and of course with proper veterinary checkup the doctor assures us the correct state of health as to transmission of diseases or parasites.
The adoption of some abandoned dog must also care for the size. If we adopt a dog adult size the problem is already defined, but in the case of puppies is difficult to determine the size you have here a professional consultation is essential.
as Another fundamental as the size is the character or temperament the new partner Dog our Thumbnail. You always have to choose a dog very docile, but not too shy and withdrawn as they often tend to attack or be aggressive at times of fear. We should never bring a dominant partner.
A good practical, simple and fast to do is turn it around, his back against the floor and showing us your belly / belly and stay a while well. If we take a puppy back in the palms of your hand, if an adult and try to gently caress you gently but decisively will roll on the floor for a while as a sign of submission and surrender.
If it resists and struggles to turn around, will try once again and if the resistance continues we should rule out is dominant and higher in rank! would bring many problems of living with our dog miniature .
What sex?
If we choose bring a companion the same sex can unleash struggles for dominance, which of the two is in charge. The dogs are hierarchical and this is an important issue for them, whether male or female.
However, if both dogs are docile and submissive , and are or will be well educated and socialized but these struggles will never be important or dangerous.
If you choose to bring a dog of the opposite sex , we think of playing that in the absence of human intervention will, no doubt. ;
Theoretically a male from 7 months and a female from her first heat (which can take from 6 months to year). This is very important as many people mistakenly believe that at such a young age is not possible procreation, and it is possible!.
If you wish to reproduce the sterilizing solution is one of them or both. If we want a reproduction responsible must think seriously what steps to take for it to occur when we consider it appropriate. If this is not true, with every heat of the dog (every 6 months), the pairing will occur inevitably.
"Adult or Puppy?
The ideal situation is to be both and puppies to be bred together as brothers and educate us with the same principles as following us obedient and calm heads of the herd that are or will be.
If you bring a puppy dog \u200b\u200bhaving a miniature adults, we must pay close attention to the presentation of the new member you should always be gradual to give him time to digest the situation and always under our strict supervision.
If the reaction of our dog miniature in the presence of his new partner is expected in a dog bred, socialized, balanced and calm, reward him with affection and encouraging him to touch it and saying with this that's what we expect from him.
All our attitudes to the new situation should be to promote understanding of each other calmly, safely and securely without falling into any kind of excesses like pampered far away the puppy and the adult or the opposite of the adult pampered too much and not give importance to the puppy.
The first foster jealousy and competition and the second will be giving the command to the adult who may be very arrogant behavior with the youngest. Neither one thing nor the other. Everything must be balanced and fair.
puppy Education we brought to our fellow miniature dog will be with the same principles that we already had. This will be extremely easy because the miniature adult dog you will teach your partner almost everything and probably will do better than us.
If brings a companion adult dog, or when the puppy has already reached old enough to engage in struggles for hierarchies, we must respect these hierarchies themselves have established and shows appreciation to who holds the upper hierarchy: eat first, the best place to sleep, the first to be welcomed, etc.
is not advisable to intervene in the struggles for the hierarchy in the flock, when they are not aggressive or likely to hurting yourself as well we should not intervene in their games.
is not advisable to intervene in the struggles for the hierarchy in the flock, when they are not aggressive or likely to hurting yourself as well we should not intervene in their games.
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