I had the meanest mom in the world. While children did not have breakfast, I had to have cereal, eggs and toast.When others drank soft drinks and candy for lunch, I had to eat sandwiches.My mother always insisted on knowing where we were. It seemed that we were imprisoned. Had to know who our friends.insisted that if we said we'd take an hour, but we would take an hour.I am ashamed to admit it, but even had the nerve to break the law against the employment of young children. Made to wash dishes, and tending bed, and learn to cook and much also cruel.I think she stayed awake at night thinking about things that may force us to do. Always insisted that she tell the truth and nothing but the truth.time we reached adolescence and was wiser, and our lives became even more miserable, he became possessive.Nobody could play the horn for us to get out running. We are ashamed to the end, forcing our friends to come to the door to ask us.My mother was a complete failure. None of us have been arrested. Each of my brothers has served home and, "Who do we blame for our terrible future?", they are right, our Mother.See all that we have lost. We have never been involved in a violent demonstration and a thousand other things that made our friends.This made us to become educated, honest adults. Using this as an example, I'm trying to educate my children the same way.You see I thank God for giving me:"MORE BAD MOTHER IN THE WORLD."
"My mom will not read this, she is afraid to turn on the computer for fear of breaking it down. And that has two computer courses, " but let the world know that I love. Also, my father's birthday today. So I love them both. How it is happening with their moms? : 3
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