know ?.... how ?..... when my daughter told me she was a lesbian, one of the many thoughts of mine was, my God !!... and now? ... what do we do?
In all the years I had, and I suffered, my "Christian education", we never talked about the "Sex and God," "sexual options and God," "homosexual love God, love (only love ) yes, a lot, but with many prejudices and feelings of guilt in abundance.
Despite my agnosticism, I had recorded that Christian thought which says: GOD IS LOVE, and if God is love and love can be heterosexual or homosexual, so why judge?, why deny it, why condemn it?.
If we are Christians, despite the suffering and prejudice of this religion, I mean, if we are Christians and Christians, because, then, homosexuality should not be for us no problem!
real problems and real sins are, for me, for example, drug addiction, alcoholism, bulimia, anorexia, crime, white slavery, pedophilia, lying, biting, gossip and damaging criticism, the tyranny, slavery, drug trafficking, arms trafficking, child prostitution, rape, and is followed by a long list of evils that we are capable of some or many humans.
And in this long list was not my daughter, happily, in any case!, When she told us she was a lesbian.
And yet, I reacted as if my beloved daughter was a "sin errant" ... Of course, I've often wondered why this the way to react to an event as natural and normal?
Well, I've concluded that it was precisely because of all my years of being the Christian religion!
Christianity teaches us and "gives" a heavy very very heavy, burden of sadness, guilt, condemnations of all that the church considers "bad" and escaping to their ideological and economic domains, of course.
I am agnostic, and almost always an atheist, but however much respect for Christian mothers, whose children are gay or heterosexual, and I would remind you that saying that God is Love ... and if you have really in their hearts, and if they believe in him, for their gay children also believe in a God, "because you have been taught to believe, and that God turn for help to find the strength to face the truth, that same God turn to give them strength and courage to tell you they are gay!
And God, through you, must give an answer consistent with his wisdom, and God must open our arms of love, understanding, patience, not prejudice, tolerance, is not it?
Happy are those who have a God to turn to, because apart from God is absolute love, God also understand, forgive, not judge and if it really exists, cares for his daughters and sons are gay, straight, bisexual or fall in love with true love, of an extraterrestrial being, if possible!
Happy are those who believe, because, in truth, live less alone!
From my agnosticism or atheism I am responsible for myself and my conscience. In this talk another day.
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