There is a misconception that parents, especially Mom "should know everything" that happens to their children.
Perhaps this is true when children are young and we always ask, things such as: How have you been in school, you gave it your exams, you've washed your hands, you changed your underwear, you had a problem, you fell, you did all your homework, and you brush your teeth, etc.etc, etc ....?
But when children grow and when your bedroom is your front lines and belong to their belongings and their affairs ..... why moms should be prying permanent?
And, when my daughter told us she was a lesbian, I thought, wrongly, that somewhere could find the answer to his homosexuality and the place, "so I thought then," place "was also, and exactly Your room, your desk, your home!
That place that provide for quiet living so that he could do all the things I had to do as a college student.
And, despite my curiosity, despite all our discussions at that time, despite my need know everything, I never dared to look through the holes.
I ask them not to because they can find things, letters, objects, or I do that only cause them more questions, more problems, and more misunderstanding.
as heterosexual parents know we have the right to close the door to our room as often as necessary, we know that "place" is sacred and deserves respect.
ever heard something about the angels said to them, the angels, always caring for humans, who are on our side, watching and protecting us, but that when humans have sex, they, "the angels" turn around, give us back and spread their wings to isolate and hide our bed of love, and with his own wings!
If the angels, that somehow they are human, with all its wisdom are so cautious, because us mothers of gay children can not learn a little about them?
I do not know how the priests, with so many secrets and they have very serious others! But, to me, particularly, I like to learn of the details, I like to look through the holes in the doors if they are closed, I like to get without permission, in any inhabited place.
poke, dig, get at things differently, to violate equal intimacy, learn the secrets of others is not good, except that they share them with us.
And our children, heterosexual or homosexual, they know very well what things we count and what not, and they know they are as sensitive and as independent as we have taught ourselves.
addition, and finally, the secrets of people are never in their rooms or in the drawers of your furniture, or in their pockets ... the highest and most serious secrets are always stored in the brain and heart.
When our daughter gave us his "secret" react hastily, not what you do, this maxim Trust must be returned with patience, respect, with confidence because it is a sign of love, is a request of our gay son says:
"take the party in peace" because that I am and so I will be forever and not want to lose the things I love best on earth!
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