What is to blame? What is it that makes us think and feel are guilty of something?
Is it a feeling or a product of what we have learned?
If we did right or wrong to anyone, whether good or bad we educate our children if we act right or wrong in any situation ...
But what is good and what is evil? That is the central point of the issue of guilt: What is right and what is wrong?
from children teach us what is "right" and what is "wrong."
okay to have fear of God, well respect the rules of the Christian religion, is well be good girl, well to be honest, is While not lying, no stealing, no disrespect to parents, well visit the sick, is good to give alms to the poor, is well be pure in thought, word and deed, is not feeling well carnal desires, is But ... ... okay ... okay ... right? ...
And, what happens when we realize that it was wrong to do everything that we were sent to make children ... when we clearly see that many of these "do good" are only conventions or rules prejudiced?
For example, I do not give alms to the "poor" who beg in the streets because I have learned that most of them are vague commiseration used to grab people's money without working.
For example, I am not pure of thought because I've learned that if you are naive in this world of beasts as you become food for them .... I do not visit the sick unless they are my family, dear friends ... I do feel carnal desires because of that stuff I made ...
is wrong to tell lies is wrong to steal, wrong to be bad, is it wrong to be proud, is it wrong to be disrespectful, it is wrong to be selfish, it is wrong to be greedy, is ill be disbelieved, it is wrong not meet the religious rites, it is wrong to be unclean, poorly feel sexual desire, idol worship is wrong, wrong ... wrong ... wrong ... Is it wrong? ...
I, for one, am disrespectful when someone commits an abuse against me, I am also selfish with my love and my victories because they cost me a lot of effort, I am skeptical because it has taught me the experience of living in this world, I am greedy because there is no greater joy, apart from the joy of learning to enjoy a delicious chocolate or a delicious fruit in the right point of maturity, and I love all the idols that I fall into the hands, such as flowers, colored feathers, the twilight of the evening, the joy of my children, the laughter of children ... ... and it all Am I bad?, do I feel guilty?.
learn a lot about good and evil. ... And decided, when we are able to act in one way or another ... so why if things go as expected, we feel guilt?, Why as parents we are, feel guilt if a daughter or son is gay ?...¿ our Why our children gay "should" feel guilty?
Because we have learned to "feel" and "assume" guilt, which is a learned emotional reaction, through which some of us emotionally manipulate and control us.
We have been taught, from before birth, we live in a society of blame, we come to a world where you always have to suffer and that is to blame and perpetrators, victims and oppressors ... have taught us that we must accept this order things as "established."
Only if you really have offended or hurt someone is just to ask for forgiveness, to stop feeling guilty and notice something that did the damage. If not, is it that we have always refused to feel victorious and we must always be the victim of someone or something?.
Let's live with that guilt as harmful to our inner being.
learn to be happy, without remorse, without guilt.
The experience of regret is like having something unpalatable in his throat, which eventually turned against oneself, is that we feel when we have any "certainty" that we have done wrong according to our own code moral, which may agree or disagree with the social code in which we live, we can accept this code or not, freely.
our children's homosexuality does not mean that we as mothers or fathers have done wrong in life, we as parents who love our children we have done the best we could do, always. You can follow
mourning until the end of your days, thinking how bad you've been, where you're wrong, we educate bad your gay child, you keep thinking about how guilty you feel, and neither smaller portion of guilt can do something to remedy this behavior.
Your guilt is an attempt to change history, to wish that things were not as they are.
But the story is well and feel very guilty that you can not do anything about it.
Guilt is a great way to gain the sympathy of others.
your thing I'm not in this world to fulfill your expectations
Neither you're in the world to meet mine.
You are you and I'm me.
If we are causally be beautiful
You are you and I'm me.
If we are causally be beautiful
If not, does not matter ".
(Fritz Peris)
(Fritz Peris)
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