this is very sad, yet I do not think I can not believe it will keep hurting this way. I can swear you that more than a hundred times tried not affect me, but the wound is still there. It's like a scar that never closes, as a pang that never reduces his pain. No matter how many times you have tried, always comes back and I can not help ...
is not enough to talk to me, call me, I have in mind is not enough to ask about me when I remember, is not enough. It is not enough you think you say all I want to hear ... He did not see me shaking, waiting He can not imagine how much sleep with our imaginary games, he only knows that I'm there whenever I needed. I thought I was enough to know that I wanted, I thought it was rather to be part of your life ... But one way or another, we are never satisfied, no matter what the case, we need more. And no matter how much I try, I always end well, I know he just wants my friendship ...
Gradually I was giving the illusion of fighting for what I love, and today is not I give up.
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