Or something. It happens that I go to school today : / not very exciting ... Although it is necessary. I need new ideas for my novels. New laughter. New convebencias. Hell, yes. I have to give value, and now that Grandpa is not the powerful, I have to look urgently: B! Plan! D:
On the other hand, it is my finish line. I do not want it to be. So I keep busy to not miss her XD Go to my solutions are cool. My trauma will later know. over time my stress increases, my aching back and shoulders are not fought for anything. Fuck. Although ... I can always see a big boy to calm the pain of my parts nob ... Say, that I de-stress, clear : D
And damn! I already new Supernatural episode. They take several weeks to Chapter 11: Appointment in Samarra . Chole and right?
On the other hand ... And I became addicted to Gossip Girl ... Let's see when Warner's schedule changed and no longer went out at Prime Time. Just finished watching the 1st season. But thanks to God the inmate! Achieve finish 2nd, 3rd and now I'm devouring the 4th season. I will make a commercial to the website I frequent: cuevana.tv , this page sets and movies are in DVD quality. This very good. And do not cut the transmission. Which is great : D why I became addicted to the page XD just have to download a plug-and preferably their Navejar is Google Chrome and the thing becomes more beautiful : 3
Now same hear my new acquisition: Nadia Oh. Playllist that in my life, can hear a song that comes on Gossip Girl, "Got your number", is very tacky rhythmites ^ ^
I say goodbye. I have to restart my precious Dellia (All Gollum ___), due to chaos update: /
Fear not, we will walk reading. Saludines =)
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