When we are on the streets, my husband and I agarraditos or abrazaditos hand, there are always some or looking at us and talk to them ... sometimes I wonder what tell us two that we want to go through the streets and, as we please, because we love each other's arms, abrazaditos though we are adults and have a lot of gray in the head.
We are free to go there as well: abrazaditos and a kiss when we want!
However, we are not so free, because we always think of our daughter and his girlfriend who are looking for lonely places, taking care not to see them kissing and affectionate stealthy, because if someone I probably saw them yell some obscenity or receive some free aggression, yhomofóbica absurd.
Then we understand that reality is much harsher than our illusion of freedom, we heterosexuals do not have to "hide" or lie in order to have a space in which to embrace and kiss freely if we wanted to.
When we were "secret love" we took care much that we do not see anyone walking together, much less embraced. But that phase passed and acquired a status of "official law" when we got married. My daughter and her girlfriend can not marry in this country and you are more than 10 years together!
So what freedom can we talk?
My daughter and her girlfriend could not be free to walk anywhere hugging or kissing if they wanted to, so "invented" stories about children to meet, so many daughters lesbian, gay and many children also "invent" stories in order to meet their girlfriends onivos somewhere quiet and where would not be at risk of being assaulted or attacked.
If I have understood this reality before it, should have left alone at home in this safe place beautiful the home, so they could be alone and love them.
Modern Motherhood has taught me that gay couples need privacy, just as heterosexual couples. "Obviously not you think?
When we accept and understand our gay children, we often wonder, why they lied so much and so often? ... And I replied, simply because they needed to do, being between a rock and a hard place is almost a vital necessity to invent something to save your life!
If making up stories, often almost childish and not very credible, were given to our children homosexuals the opportunity to meet with their girlfriends or boyfriends, then, simply invented!
not justify premeditated and malicious falsehood, but the "invention" of stories and tales bound by some circumstances, life or death, in many cases have saved us and allowed us to move forward in search of the defense of our truths, our feelings, our right to hug and kiss someone we love, anywhere.
If we live in a truly free society, why many gay citizens of this country must learn to lie, to invent stories, for to meet with their partners?
Just because we do not live in a free society, or mothers or parents of gay children are sufficiently prepared to understand, respect and accept homosexuality in our children and the "forced" to become storytellers of lies to enable them to live free!
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