Today I was looking at photo albums of my family.
was looking for some pictures of my kids to put on my desk.
Today I realized, painfully, that these albums have spaces of time in the life of my daughter, that we have lost all.
In the last photographs, which we treasured, she is 18, 19 years ... no more.
Then ... the void ... a great amount of time that now it hurts ...
" Why not have pictures of her?
I ask and I answer to myself, because then came the endless days of dealing with it, argue with her, without understanding us that she loved another woman, without being able to put aside our prejudices and our fears ... demanding a path that was not hers.
demanded a place in the family photos .... A place that was empty because of our intransigence, by our lack of ability to open our minds and simply understand it, love it, respect it.
The pages in the albums of family photographs and may not ever be filled.
These pages will be empty and painful way.
To make me always remember that I was stupid, that we were fools, her father and I, and I share this pain and experience, that this absurd nonsense is not never taken up by other parents of gay children.
The memory that brings about the photographs is invaluable and is a treasure, pleasant or not, we should not underestimate ever.
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