Friday, October 9, 2009

Western Club Retirement Cake

Lesson Dunezza Salteaux and British Columbia in Canada

The wisdom of the ancient indigenous Red Indian of North America is a reference point to rescue the ancient values \u200b\u200bthat respected the diversity of gender identity in accordance with human nature values \u200b\u200bthat have preserved to this day against the requirements imposed by various interests in our contemporary history.

In these villages, which fortunately for all the world may have looked in their culture: When a mother gives birth, no one asks if it was boy or girl, what matters is whether they are good. Motherhood makes women are brought together women to raise and care for children helped by men who are more well known to provide livelihood and care for the earth.

Their names often lack gender so that a child may be called Rain or girl may be called Bear and rather stand with an adjective any property received in the creature, and are given names like Anamosa = Fawn White = Wind south Kansas, etc.

Girls and boys also hunt also weave, all children are cared for and loved without imposing a pattern of gender , that violated when they mean something shameful, quite the contrary, if over the years become a creature, child, pubescent, adolescent or adult sexual orientation different states, is vested with respect to treatment in accordance with its guidance.

They are called "Two Spirited" and are considered a special edition from beings, blessed (as) by the operator with a variation between male and female, (they have two spirits). They were not favorable to them, nor discriminated against, just gives them love as others.

However, Indian scientists understand that a (a) "Two Spirited "at some point in their development is to discover himself (a) different from the others, it even can generate confusion or even an emotional condition. Processes necessary to raise self-esteem then mechanisms and individual welfare. In that discovery, the process must not change, nothing external should be of concern, either for , or against, since it is considered a strictly spiritual.

As a result of this forge interior, waiting for a (a) "Two Spirited," a condition of intelligence close the mind of men and women in a single insight, vision full, with a deep understanding that only comes with experience and inner experience of a (a) "Two spirited."

Nobody sees the costumes, and gestures, and appearance they are buying. What is valuable is what they to convey. Thus it gives them importance beyond respect and according to their qualities they are called to lead, to plan, to advise, to be strategists or joy, for his love or his aesthetic perception.

His family lives in is not unlike that of others may also have children and who have not fathered can always deal with care for others and others take care of them.

Many cultures have been overwhelmed in development, these northern tribes were confined to reserves and kidnapped his children to "civilize" in detention centers, where many children were also abused. The civilization began and a sequel that indigenous culture known as his own and is now trying to heal. There are still Indians of North America looking for his family.

But still there is wisdom, there are still remnants of an old social organization of which we should learn.

would make this world a better world.


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