When my daughter told her brother who is a lesbian, he said: "I knew, do not worry about me, as I love you and love you forever"
us, Dad and Mom, we had not said before. We believe the age difference, (when we found out he was a teenager), and assume that anyone who could tell us was better than herself and who was saying it was her, our lesbian daughter.
My son was wiser than ourselves.
me himself once said that tolerance was not what he felt, he told me, almost verbatim:
"It tolerates what one does not accept or does not support something like physical pain, and I in sister love her and respect her and their private affairs are just her and anyone else ... so I will not tolerate, I want! "
I myself would be very blessed if I had a brother like him, and a sister as my daughter, but I have not, and in some moments of my life I've needed a lot.
This stage of our experience makes me appreciate very much what the brothers mean it is true that not choose (as they do with friends) and we must learn to live with them, to love and defend and respect above all things, when they deserve it.
And how do we learn? ... Well, the answer is simple: what we teach our parents or other older people, and, more importantly, we learn ourselves, by our own will and our own efforts!
I am grateful to life for my two children just as they are. They are the best in the world to us!
We, the four, we are blessed to say: "One for all and all for one."
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