response to a
few days ago I get an anonymous comment that says
"I am a mother of a girl of 17 years, I am very bad about what is happening to me, sometimes I get it and others do not, I have fear and I have also hope to be here to stay and that is only part of the process in search of identity. I have a depression and constantly blame me, I have fear for my other daughter is 7 years less than he realizes what happens to his sister. by fa need some words that diminish what I feel every day. "
I have no way to answer that through a public post:
Thanks for writing.
I realize and understand his anguish very well feel bad.
I'm not a psychologist or psychiatrist, I am a mother like you and I have gone through what you are going through now. I can only say that at this time is very important that you talk a lot with her daughter, she is 17, is no longer a child, a teenager and discovering their sexuality, which should not be a penalty or a problem much less the cause of her depression.
You are not guilty of anything! Human beings have a right to our sexual development heterosexual or homosexual. The important thing is that you are about your daughter, talk to her, she can be sure that not going to try or take home, sitting together, sure, I can tell you freely that is what is happening and that in any case, whether heterosexual or homosexual, she should know that you are always on lado.Es her daughter and you love her and I'm sure she also ama.Además, surely you have given good education and she knows what their moral values \u200b\u200band limits.
is very important not to leave her alone, perhaps it is only as you say, a process that she is in search of his identidad.De no way it will be a "bad example" for their minor child, and therefore it is important to be able to talk to the daughter of 17 .
You tell me who is afraid, yes, I also had, but was afraid to be judged, marked ... the fear of homophobia .. my daughter would have in life, but once we realized that she is strong, confident and determined, (so we taught her!) and has learned to defend itself and be clear about his homosexuality and living a life of happiness, then, the fear is over.
Once you achieve this communication must decide whether the little girl should know .... or if they expect to grow a little more or if you take a while before telling.
I assure you that they are able to discuss it openly, without moral or religious prejudices of any kind, and without her feel judged or bad daughter ... then things are going to a better and more simple you.
Take it with courage, with that same courage that had since her oldest daughter was born. You are a strong and loving mother, I say this because the mere act of writing about it makes me think about it.
If you are feeling depressed to seek support, maybe a psychologist or family therapist, or someone you trust, but I say that according to my experience, depression only limits us and prevents us from seeing things clear, we see only the dark side and that is not life!
Animo, talk to the heart to the brain, talk to your daughter with all sincerity, calmly, and with all the love you have for it.
Thanks for writing and everything to do well, ever!
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