I've fallen many times and I got up too many more, have been painful, sad, depressed ... however, I woke up and I'm reborn and I am proud of it .
The "Pride" is translated for me immeasurable pride in having learned!
After much study, research, analyze ... a day I said to myself: Come on, get up and go, open your eyes and aprende.Aprendà that not all beings in this world think the same way, no love, nor do we see the present and the future in the same way .. .. we are single and in their own right are different ... and yet how alike we all are!
learned that a woman can love another woman and a man can love another man with the same intensity and the same desire that a woman can love a man or a man can love a woman!
Variety, equality and the infinite forms of love is the taste of life!
And the way of life is peace and serenity to accept that there these different and unique ways to love and love! Long live all gays, lesbians, transsexuals, transvestites ... all living human beings capable of love well, with serenity, madness, faith, work with solidarity and above all eager to change this world and make it more human and colors!
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