Thursday, March 26, 2009

Safari Invitation Language

some texts to parents or relatives of homosexuals

Instructions for downloading the text:

Dar click on the link below (the name of the text to download)

No matter what comes on the screen as the text was wrong (and strange squares) or to put "this protected "... at the bottom of an arrow is green says" download " dale click there and choose to save it ... you go down in pdf, text or compressed file to be read will be PERFECT! ! does not ask or e-mail account or anything.

texts luck and hopefully help you on something!

Texts gay parents or family members
that can be downloaded from the website:

Source: http: / /

Monday, March 23, 2009

Cervix Lowr At 9 Weeks Pregnant

my daughter is a lesbian .. I do now? I have two children

I'ma mother of a daughter and a son, when my daughter was l8 years told us he was in love!
The thing is I was really in love, but of another woman!

The shock came and gave way to fear, guilt and constantly ask ourselves, without pause: What had we done wrong ?...¿ ?...¿ Why this happened to us why she adored our baby, our beautiful Chinese girl, could be in love with another woman?. ..

ignorance really is the mother of many abuses, the ignorance that comes from school, which is validated with the Christian religion, becomes conscious or unconscious acceptance of many prejudices, myths and many conflicts absurd nonsense.

Because of our own ignorance and our fears we live, since then, many days of anguish, grief, and non-stop bickering with our beloved daughter.
Personally, as a mom, a woman, as a professional, was unable and unwilling to open my mind and heart to accept my daughter.
As a mom, a woman, as a professional I wanted to understand, understand, know that was what happened to my daughter.
had the idea that if I opposed it and their ideas homosexuals could make changes. Thought that with help from a psychiatrist or physician may, and chemical analysis and all those things could make her change her sexual orientation and finally decided to be like everyone else, to be "normal."
really was a hard time and many conflicts.
Our relationship is not greatly affected but underwent a period of silence and estrangement with our daughter ... we lived like we have never done nor would we want to do it ... it away from us and we in a painful silence and absurd.
We talked on the phone because she also lives far from us, and really felt we were losing ... so far and yet so close to our hearts and our thoughts every day, every night, every hour ...
Despite all that we do not travel, we came every fortnight or every weekend if possible, because in no way wanted to move away permanently, because for us the family-our family, has always been the most important and most valuable, those ties golden love and compassion, solidarity, security, strength, allowed us to, among other things, for example, in our province to overcome the difficult years of violence together.
Together we survived and wanted to stay together forever.
My daughter was and is in love with a beautiful girl and I recognize fully and because she never encouraged in my daughter, no anger or resentment against us, could have made my daughter and we hated to go away even more of our family but never did, unlike her and her family helped him support and comfort for long hours of sadness we live together and apart.
The love of my daughter, always gave us lessons of honor, loyalty, moral and psychological integrity, through she learned.

For the love of two who was and is strong and constant, one day realized that it was absurd to insist on our position as parents, "sore" from parents who wanted to understand, understand, know ... we just decided that it no longer further study the issue, no longer try to understand the theories and speculations of a thousand thousand different strands, just love and accept our daughter as she is.

my daughter's homosexuality as a reason to fear and anxieties, your love relationship gives happiness and joy and that's what we always wanted for her!

is incredible but our ideas about homosexuality were heavily contaminated, and say it is amazing because both my husband and I are people "educated" professional, intellectual, love poetry, art, beauty of life life ... and when we tested our daughter with this gay, just do not know what to do.
If any great lesson we learned is that we should not make hasty decisions on the affairs of the people we love most in life, in the case of homosexuality, is worth almost nothing, more that general information, studying the theories and currents on the same ... we love our daughter and what we should have from the beginning was OK, and then try to understand as far as possible the issue. Ultimately
out and there existed in the history of art, science, literature, many gay men and women who have been and are exceptional human beings and have left wonderful legacies for mankind, there are Leonardo Da Vinci, Marguerite Yourcenaire, Maria Elena Walsh, Michel Foucault, Oscar Wilde, Virginia Woolf, Marcel Proust, among others.

is not a matter of sexual orientation, or gender, is a matter of human relations, education, honesty, learning to live in peace, with justice, morality, freedom.

Understand that the other is entitled to continue their very nature, to accept that their nature may be homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual, to accept that their dreams are different from ours, accept that we have no right to decide about dreams and love our children makes us free and gave us medals parents also most loved and most respected well.

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Like many women in the world, I have two children.
The largest is a sweet woman, wise, caring and cheerful ... almost her laughter always manages to get me out of the scary moments, depression, conflict, is an incredible woman, strong, consistent and in love with another woman, that simple and that complicated and honest with yourself.
managed to get me out of my "mental limits" for a while ... until I decided to learn, study, read, investigate and ultimately understand!
not know the delight that is understood and accepted.
Since then my relationship with her is extremely human and very respectful.
love my older daughter for her courage and bravery of being able to open up your heart and mind and help me understand that beyond what is commonly sees no other options, there other forms of loving, special, moral and exemplary as well.
The story of my second child is a young history of chivalry, curiosity and love ... I leave for the next opportunity because I also full of tenderness and admiration.

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I've fallen many times and I got up too many more, have been painful, sad, depressed ... however, I woke up and I'm reborn and I am proud of it .

The "Pride" is translated for me immeasurable pride in having learned!

After much study, research, analyze ... a day I said to myself: Come on, get up and go, open your eyes and aprende.Aprendí that not all beings in this world think the same way, no love, nor do we see the present and the future in the same way .. .. we are single and in their own right are different ... and yet how alike we all are!

learned that a woman can love another woman and a man can love another man with the same intensity and the same desire that a woman can love a man or a man can love a woman!

Variety, equality and the infinite forms of love is the taste of life!

And the way of life is peace and serenity to accept that there these different and unique ways to love and love! Long live all gays, lesbians, transsexuals, transvestites ... all living human beings capable of love well, with serenity, madness, faith, work with solidarity and above all eager to change this world and make it more human and colors!