Sunday, February 27, 2011

Crystal Meth And Blurry Vision

The Language of Dogs Thumbnail

The communication miniature dogs and all dogs is a language without words, consisting of postures: ears, tail, mouth, nose, eyes, and sounds: barks, growls, moans, gasps and so on.

Due to their small sizes, dogs thumbnail prove to be much more expressive than other dogs, that is, they know communicate very effectively. They do a very clever use of language often surprise us.

This is due to a basic survival instinct, since if miniature dogs not were protected by humans, these tiny dogs could not exist, therefore need to use very well particular language without words, language your body, to take with us the best of communications.

their ears Language:
Focus on miniature dog-eared of Shih Tzu, Havanese, Maltese, etc) in them that is hardly noticeable.

Ears erect and forward-facing : Show care, or are paying attention.

If the head tilts: not understand the command or message that you mean.
Ears laps down and parallel to the head Some dogs and place them walking or running, means a state of great doubt.

Cola your language:

extended horizontally, but relaxed: is a sign of attention.

Extended and stiff horizontally: position domain, I'm in charge here!

Cola upright: is a sign of authority of a dog shown in a great position of dominance.

straight and curved tail on the rump: Indicates confidence, control and self-control.

In miniature dogs with docked tail, like Yorkies and Poodles, tail raised will have to be read according to the degree of tension thereof.
Cola low but slightly removed from the hind legs: is calm and relaxed.

Cola down and near hind legs: If the limbs are stiff and slightly stirred the tail indicates that it is unsafe or in an unfamiliar place that gives slight mistrust and fear.
Cola hidden between the legs: fear or submission. The dog afraid hurt you, or, in the presence of the dominant member of the herd, whether human or other dog and indicates he is total submission.

Cola stirred slightly: is a greeting, like a smile.

Cola great stirring with broad strokes: lot of happiness, is a big welcome.

Language looks
Eyes narrowed: submissive attitude against challenging.
Look the other way as we speak: not interested or do not understand.

mouth Language:
Boca ajar: equivalent to a smile from people.

Boca cerrada, labios levantados enseñando los dientes: Una señal de  amenaza de que va a atacar.

Lenguaje del cuerpo: 
Perro agachado, patas Extended front, back straight, head near the ground : Invitation to play.

upright position and relaxed, upright ears not advanced, high head, mouth ajar , tail down and relaxed: relaxed and happy dog.

upright body leaning forward, ears forward, tail erect and bristling, eyes wide, nose wrinkled, fur, rigid Member: State very dominant threatening attack if it is challenged.

check belly up is: Submission total, when she lies on her back, showing the stomach and lower neck recognize us as leaders of the pack.

Wallowing on the back and rub it on the floor, rubbing his nose and chest the ground: is very satisfied and happy .

scrape the floor with legs: The dog has glands that leave a unique and distinctive smell and leaving a sign its presence there, a brand.

Pee: mark the territory.

barking Language:
(Our miniature dogs have a reputation for barking and loud, this is education by poor not because the barking miniature breeds more than others)
Barking acute and short not very strong: is a greeting.
Barking fast and with pauses every 3 or 4 : You are asking the owner and leader of the pack to investigate what is happening.
Fast continuous barking: Alert, is a stranger in our land.

A sharp bark, brief and low tone: Indicates nuisance, annoyance.
Language of Grunts:

Growl soft low tone threat of attack.

Growl ending bark, in a low tone : Ready to fight.

Bark Growl ending in high pitch: The dog rather not fight, but do not attack if left alone.

Growl intense without showing teeth attack is simulating a joke and shows that you are having fun. often interspersed with staccato barks.

Horatio Alger Scholarship Florida

- There Will Be Tears,

But they're not gonna be mine.

Monday, February 21, 2011

After Umbilical Hernia Surgery Bloating

Communication with the miniature dogs miniature dog

Sometimes it is believed that the only way to communicate is through words, so it is common to hear about our miniature dogs that are so smart, "but I need to talk!"

Well the answer is: No need!

Dogs, like humans communicate with a series indicators but also nonverbal communication .
She is translating carefully: short, simple gestures and attitude of serene leader. It is the summary of good communication with miniature dogs

We communicate, apart from the words , with our gestures, tones and voice inflections, facial expressions, glances, body positions, dress, tone of voice, etc, etc.

The miniature dog often have a close relationship with his human friend, basically means the body signals and voice tone and inflection, these two things are those that enhance our communication with the dog.
Most miniature dogs are extremely docile and eager to the loving presence of his human friend

For miniature dog, the physical gesture reinforced or not by word him to understand different situations, namely: the control of the situation, obedience, or understanding what you want to communicate r, which are basic attitudes of the puppies (they do what they want, or understand and obey what is asked).

nonverbal signals are issued by the owner, which we understand the communication or, conversely, which can confuse, preventing the dog respond correctly to a command.

An excess of words are confused and disoriented.
A single word or sound + body gesture or gesture = successful communication
For miniature dogs human voices are just sounds, perhaps associated with a situation or behavior to adopt, but not the understanding of the message.

message correspondence is audible (tone of our voice, for example, the verbal message), plus our gesture body, which ensures the effectiveness of what we inform our miniature dog. The
give an order using a tone and a loose body posture in any situation of conflict with the dog , most likely, get their disobedience, and further, that the dog challenge your own (growling or showing teeth thing that should never be tolerated-) to stand in a dominance hierarchy.
The command "Down" will be given three Sometimes, this time?
No, the order should be addressed to the senior dog, this will guide the rest.

Example: give the order to leave a couch when the dog is already installed as comfortable and we need to get off.

is the right thing: a single word, such as "Down!" accompanied by a gesture with our hand-arm and index finger down-(to indicate that out of there) and said in a firm, dry and forceful. But without anger, with firmness, calm and security.

But as a rule say that the serenity of our courage, firmness and clarity of orders and the joy of being with your best friend, are the keys good communication with our miniature dogs.

know that humans emit odors captables by dogs. In the canine world will respect and abide according to these odors, are signs hierarchical, age, sex, predisposing love, fear, courage, anger.

The first thing a puppy is raise their heads and sniff, decided immediately that that type of relationship will have with that person. Then when you can sniff out "more details" you can change your attitude because it also incorporates the observation of our posture and our voices.
This means that we can hardly deceive our puppy , the smell and we know what we feel. Also associated with thousands of imperceptible muscle movements we make in our face, gestures, body positions and that he will interpret and translate perfectly.

Humans also have that capability, but as our system verbal communication is as comprehensive and as fully as we do not need or do not give importance.
In communication between the miniature dogs and their owners there are plenty of gestures and attitudes that both know each other, given the close relationship that we have with these little puppies : they are able to recognize in ourselves our moods or mood .

What we know about communication signs of our dogs? In the next post we will summarize them.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

thugs ...

This is my new favorite word. No, as you hear XD jajaja nais

Now I have much to tell. Or if ... Yeahhhh! Came and Warri, and I'm happy! : D

finally pass to finish the music and images and now I'm completely happy! : D haha \u200b\u200b

The image then ... I feel like going according to my new favorite word. For those fanseses the world of Harry Straw, Kreacher will know it (or as they write, if fails sorry 'aste).
By the way ... Today is crazy Sabbatarian potatoes! Seee: D every Saturday I bought some potatoes style C & A, those that put them chamoy, Miguelito (chili powder for those who are not from Mexico), three types of hot sauces, Worcestershire sauce and Maggy juice, lemon .. .. Conclusion: A pump for your guts XD But fuck that I love ... C: Well ...
Cuidencelo;) hahaha
Greetings from my new base of operations: Warrior. That soon will have a 'stiker' a good gum tiburonsin: • 3 Aaaaw!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Painkillers Givven For Hernia Surgery

Living with a cat

Give them time to adapt is the best tool to finish dogs living together Miniature and cats.

Several situations may arise in the dog living miniature a cat, but the most common tend to be these four :

    That bring
  1. a baby cat and puppy dog \u200b\u200bminiature simultaneously or within short period of time.
  2. already have a cat adult in your home and bring a puppy dog \u200b\u200b thumbnail.
  3. already have a miniature dog adult and bring a baby kitten .
  4. Have a miniature dog and bring an adult adult cat.

SITUATION ONE: (baby baby cat and dog)
Be careful that the baby cat (if we've risen from the street) is in good health, not only for its own sake but that does not convey anything undesirable in our miniature puppy dog \u200b\u200b .

Keep kitty isolated by one or two days, go to a veterinary expert on cats (not all are) and hope that the professional will tell us that when it is safe that is coupled with our miniature dog.

Control games as both puppies can be exceeded on the momentum that will put their raids (which are very funny) and can hurt. In miniature dogs no danger of disproportionate size as adults tend to weigh less than a cat common.

is the situation ideal that both are kept together, they provide each other's company and is rarely bored.
Chihuahuita This is my little baby and a kitten playing without break

SITUATION TWO: (adult cat and puppy dog \u200b\u200bminiature
Here it should be very cautious, because the cat , like the dog are territorial animals and that puppy of miniature dog be an invader of the territory of cat we already had at home.

Besides being an invader, the miniature dog puppy have all the characteristics of the baby dog: playful, restless, explorer, ignorant of the sources of danger and cats adults do not have no patience.
My cat Santa (and is indeed a saint) and a baby poodle and love at first view

Also cat (who is a keen observer of our customs) will pay much attention to them, lots of cuddling and care: this will undoubtedly offend.

depend on our "diplomacy" on dealing with this situation, making you feel at cat that has lost none of his reign home.

As cats are great gourmet a good trick is to offer several of his favorite dishes much more frequently than it did before and play with them or more lavish pampering and attention until they finally reach acceptance.

Anyway should be monitored closely at the beginning of the relationship, since a large cat can hurt a little puppy dog \u200b\u200b miniature that are very fragile by size.
cats The females are usually more intolerant, jealous and territorial males.

SITUATION THREE: ( adult dog and kitten)

where is that cute kitten?

Usually no miniature dogs problems coexistence, although this depends greatly on the temperament or personality of the miniature dog .

Overall miniature dogs are very docile, sociable and affectionate but may have a stronger character or a more nurturing given to whims, but still end up past the initial anger accepting baby kitten and cheering to have a companion.

It should not be left alone while they are aware of, as kittens be here at risk.

The distribution of pampering and attention must be equal to that which was always not to arouse jealousy.

Our miniature dog should feel at all times that that pussy is a "possession" we therefore "must" respect and care as any other.
My kitten Santa when was very sweet baby and my Canichita waiting patiently for the kitten out of its pot of food.

With patience and caution are less well adapted very well, especially if we think that the adult dog miniature will not jeopardize their territory or the relationship with their owners because they came is a baby.

SITUATION FOUR (adult and adult cat dog)
is the most complicated of the four situations described, but This does not mean it is not possible.

more difficult will be the longer lived alone in our house, but with patience, tact and a willingness on our part can be achieved.

The first thing to do is to feel the presence of each other, the smell and it may not be seen. Must remain in isolation for a period of time (the amount of time we evaluate it carefully, which is not excessive or too hasty)

Pat and "tinker" from one to another and be sniffed, when we are the first that we bring them to associate odors that dog or cat that is ours.

In a second stage took some belongings, the cage or trasportín (empty), where we brought the new pillows and blankets or sleeping which is already home , and sniff each other's belongings.

The third stage is opened: inside the cage or trasportín the new and loose the other. This can be repeated as many times as necessary until we are sure that there is too hostile attitudes and slowly get used to the presence of each other.

When they decide it is time to remove the trasportín, you must be calm, no waiting, no other people than usual and no one will talk or look at them, that action is mostly calm and natural.

good thing is that both have already eaten and did not notice them particularly nervous or anxious, wait for a lull. The cat should give you (as I said above) its most exquisite dishes which he likes best, this will help you understand that in that house will look after them carefully.

Take care that there is somewhere near where the cat can climb without difficulty and without causing any disaster (a table, furniture) do not forget to observe the usual feline world from above.
This is what I call a Mr. Kiss! Giving
time, having patience and desire for good living
this image will also be true, if this is your case

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Confidentiality Agreement For School

My princes ...

Si. Tarzan and John Smith, John Smith and Tarzan. No matter the order. I love them! XD

Disney, I accompany my traumatized children. That's not his fault that it is a deschavetada, that's my thing. Disney showed me the beauty of Soundtracks: 3

The beauty of this fucking world: D but does not find a prince like in the movies of Disney Princesses, is there something else out there. And that taught me the X-files: P

Anyway, Disney will always be a beautiful memory of my life ^ ^ Do not forget the 3 movies from Toy Story, I think that within a generation. My brother the I saw many times a day, until the dialogue is me XD

For this and other reasons I made a new header, with my two banes ... Maybe later, when my mouse serve cool, do one of the Twite Princess:)

cuidence juntooooos fed up and sing! : D

Friday, February 11, 2011

108 Ambulance From Mysore To Bangalore

Thumbnail Dog care according to age

care of our dogs miniature vary depending on age.
When puppies (up to 6 months-10 years human -)

care are in the veterinary checks for vaccinations and deworming and observation as part of the professional is evolving in its growth.

provide an adequate food (the best balanced of the market) is a care that cuts across all ages , and although we often seem very high price, we think this we save doctor visits, and above all appreciate its virtues when our dog miniature enters the very adult age.
care of puppies miniature dogs is to prevent and avoid hazards that may occur. Read the post on the subject: 20SI% 20hay% 20cachorros (clik on the link to)

Here we recall that the good education we give, results in good quality of life we \u200b\u200bdevelop our puppies miniature

When adolescents (ages 6 months-10 years human - up to 18 months-20 years human -)

When our miniature dog enters adolescence, it is assumed that you have all the education that we wanted to give, and where we should focus on is sexual activity that is the premium in this period.

If you plan to breed, most suitable for your physical and mental health is castration. This will improve character, and no accumulation of tension that can not dissipate and prevents the occurrence of cancer as common in females by breast or uterine tumors and tumors of the male penis. Will live longer and better.

If you do not castrate, care should be in control of estrus in females and the smooth descent of the testes in males.
We must also take care that there are no unwanted matings.


When adults (from 18 months - 20 years human to 10 years 56 years human -)

Here veterinary care are routine (once a year for booster shots and general control).

We must focus on preventing getting fat, not only with the proper power supply (there are brands on the market with low tenor food intake), but also adequate exercise.

In our small dogs thumbnail is essential this because among the many ills that fat brings to our people is the problem of the knees (common to all miniature breeds) who will bear more weight.

If crossed, care must be primarily in this action. is considered that After 7 years is not appropriate to reproduce.

When you start aging (from age 11 - human 60 years to 14 years 72 years human -)

Here will appear the various diseases and infirmities of old age, this also depending on the lengthy care that we provided, as well as genetics bringing our puppy miniature.

will appear gray in the face, will have less energy and no longer want to do long walks, are presented with difficulties in vision, hearing, digestive disorders, kidney.

But as with humans, medicine is well under way to offer our beloved friends a good quality of life in their later years, so the visits to our veterinarian must be much more frequent than before.

We have to provide a soft place to rest more than it had before, as long remain lying on him and his bones need to accommodate a more comfortable place.

not challenge him if we obey, and likely not hear or see well and have a hard or take longer to understand what we ask.

The aesthetic should be part of the care of our miniature dogs in his old age: to accommodate his mantle, as appropriate and they usually have hair loss or decrease in the quantity and quality of hair.

A good cut and replaced the long coat that looked great in his youth and will be neater, as well as nails should be cut more regularly and not the wear as much as before for its quietness.
Bueno de old man will not be bothered with such an advantage
grooming! ... J ...

lifelong If we have given our love and our care (which does not by far is close to that they give us in quantity and quality), now in its final days cuddles and attention can be tripled by way of thanks for so much love received and given so much friendship and companionship.